Monday, January 1, 2018

Day 1

Day 1

Day 57

Or shall I say Day1 of steps to my career. It is 6:09am. I am writing out the steps to my career, and I am to type this out for 30 minutes. Good thing I have been practicing these things. Who knew that Torrey would come into the play of life. Amen.
Step 1- do the inventory of my life and bring together all the known and unknown skills and abilities I have so as to see them in the light. Go over my past in great detail and shake all the fruit from the tree and gather all the seeds that have brought me thus far. Bring all the harvest into the store house.
Step 2- Create a mini-mester to begin to see how to turn this into a career path that honors God, people, and who I am. Take all the readings and lectures I have been consuming over the last 60 days and begin to create strategies to plot out the direction to begin moving toward.
Step 3- ask for divine guidance while doing these tasks.
Step 4- ask for a scripture daily from GOD the Father to guide my decisions. These are the steps to get on the road to this task. I have been taking massive action so far to radically change my life and the course of my life. I am as awake as I have been in a long long time. Ask for God to take me to a scripture each day to help me on my way. Read this scripture three times and meditate on this scripture that day as often as I can remember to do so. Let this scripture take shape and form and be active… as active as a double-edged sword for the day it is given. See the scripture as GOD divinely operating through it on your behalf.
I do not know how many steps I need to write out. But I am thinking that I need to keep writing out steps until I have exhausted so many ideas. So here we go.
Step 5- review the steps daily and note where there is improvement or need for such. Take note of the advances and thank GOD. Highlight the areas that need improvement and ask for divine assistance in getting on track with these areas. Do not see mistakes as signs of weakness, for where you are weak, God is strong.  Do not limit the people around you. They are here to help you. They are GOD’s workmanship here to aid me at every turn. Just as the right foot aids the left on our way, we aid each other in the same ways.
Step 6- seek God on the next step. Prayerfully seek God about each step. Affirm that God has a plan for me and that is to prosper me and no to harm me… To give me a future and a hope. This hope and this future is more than I can ask or imagine. It is bigger than I can even conceive, but it is planned for me and GOD knows that He has built and fashioned me to handle this and to transcend it and handle more.
Step 7- Listen for anything that may be directly intended for my ears to hear that advances this process. Or for better… be attentive. Attune and incline my ear to hear from the Spirit. It is usually a still small voice or a voice crying out in the wilderness. Be still and know that GOD is GOD. He is a good GOD and HE is wanting to be good to me. I thank you GOD in advance for your goodness.
Step 8- refer to steps over and over again to assess where you are. It is not necessary to obsess over everything, but to take inventory from time to time is a good thing… to spot check, just like what you are doing now working at HDC. Spot check.
Step 9- focus on the career you have chosen and give it the attention it deserves. Serve this career so that this career can serve you and others and GOD. It has been only 10 minutes of typing and it feels like just five. Forgive yourself and others. This career is not something that is a chore. It is something that brings forth joy and happiness. Yes, work is being done, but it is with gladness. God has put me here for such a time as this-, to do the work He has called me to do as the instrument HE has fashioned me to be. I see HIM making me into a fine Asian sword or a piccolo flute. HE will wield me and HE will breathe HIS breath through the hollows of me and make known HIS glory. I give the highest praise to HIM. To GOD be the Glory.

Step 10- keep on pushing forward. Do not give up. Do not get discouraged. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Be resilient and refreshed. Seek the well spring that is truth and wisdom and knowledge and the Holy Spirit will lead and guide. Trust in the process. This all did not come about without the movement of GOD. We do not know where from the wind is coming or where forth it is going. But when there is wind, let the sails up. I need to send this to Mary Elizabeth. It takes work to put sails up with wind gusting about, but I can do it. It is as simple as keeping the handle turning because the lever is fixed and firm. The sail knows that it is made to go up and to serve like it is made to do. It wants to be used and utilized, so hoist it up. Give it all you got because once it is in the air the wind takes over, and I only have to turn a little rudder under this vessel to move it along. Glory be to the name of the LORD.

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