Monday, January 1, 2018

Day 10

Day 66 or Day 10
It is 6:22am. Ran with the dogs yesterday and without them today. Got out the house relatively early after playing the piano. Went to Mary’s for breakfast yesterday morning after getting the paper I think. Then when to get my car recall taken care of and an oil change. After that I went to the library and took the remaining books back. I checked out Steal Like An Artist. I read it in an afternoon and will go back to the library today to get other books. I am still looking for the other book, Getting Things Done. Then later in the day we went to visit Penny Allison. I also went to HEB and talked to Janet Stephens for a bit. I keep picking up garbage along my yard. The downside of living on a high traffic intersection near two convenient stores and the Alcoholics Anonymous building as well as a housing apartment complete for section 8 is this outcome.
I am on day 10 of goals or life objectives/work.
Goal 1- If I ever get pets again, they shall not shed. They shall also number less than two… that meaning they shall be no more than one. That one shall be no more than ten pounds and require no physical exercise beyond going out to relieve himself. The gender shall be male. No exceptions. If I need to share company with other breeds of dog, I shall have friends with the breed of dogs or watch the Westminster Dog Competition or just google pictures and videos of dogs.
Goal 2- I need to have enough money to board him and get free of him for days on end. This dog is sounding more and more like a husband.
Goal 3- visit more zoos to avoid the need to want to get a pet in the first place. I like this idea. Why buy when you can rent the experience and support the community zoo all at the same time.
Goal 4- work as much on myself as I work on those things that produce the outcome financially that I desire. I have clothes that are as old as my college degree. I need to really consider just taking every stitch of clothing, every shoe and heel, every head band and hat, scarf and jacket, dress and slip, panty and hose and tossing them into the giveaway bin. There needs to be nothing left but the clothes on my back. I need to start from complete scratch. This is a for real goal, for real.
Goal 5- have anniversary date that the celebration of is to set new goals. Doing this process has awaken me to the notion that might well be a fact, that goal setting never should end.
Goal 6- run three miles every day. I almost ran all of my two miles today... every step of it. I did good. Now to get to 3 miles and run every step of that… that would be something. Mind you, I am not a runner, nor do I want to run… at all… ever… really…
Goal 7- do 50 sit ups a day. This I do not mind doing. This I know has proven results. If I can get to twenty, I can get to fifty. This is the road to tummy tuck-city. I love these results. Going back to shedding dogs; the hair everywhere gives me willy’s, and I am not inclined to place blankets or myself on the floor no matter how clean I get it. I have an aversion to this.
Goal 8- Drink 16oz of water a day. I have not been doing a good job in this area, and I know it. I must just flat out do better. Though, I need 64oz of water really. A good goal to start with is at least 2 glasses. I can knock one out just from coming in from running two miles. That should be the 16 really as a no brainer.
Goal 9- Eat vegetables high in fiber every day. As I get closer the 50, this is not even a negotiable issue. It is necessary, and I again appreciate the results. If I could cut out all processed foods, sugars, and meats, that would make this middle age experience even better.
Goal 10- get some sunshine on my face as often as possible. I used to fall for my own rhetoric about the sun not being a good thing for my skin,... you know- cancer, darkening, and wrinkles, but now I am regretting it because the sun helps all things grow. I am committing to the sun kissing my face as often as I can remind myself to let this happen. Bring it on. Let’s grow.
I have exactly two weeks before I go back to employment even if it is just 6 hours weekly, two days a week. Additionally, I have only one week before I put into place the curriculum I keep writing about but have yet to construct for myself.
The curriculum can consist of just getting this stuff that I write onto a blog. That is easy enough. I will sit down at the computer one of these here very soon mornings and establish this thing come hell or high water.
Such as: January 1st Monday
January 2nd Tuesday
January 3rd Wednesday
January 4th Thursday
January 5th Friday (Visit with Natasha)
January 6th Saturday (Visit with Natasha)
January 7th Sunday
January 8th Monday
January 9th Tuesday
January 10th Wednesday (MCC)
January 11th Thursday
January 12th Friday
January 13th Saturday
January 14th Sunday
January 15th Monday (MCC)
January 16th Tuesday
January 17th Wednesday (MCC)
January 18th Thursday
January 19th Friday
January 20th Saturday
January 21st Sunday
January 22nd Monday (MCC)
January 23rd Tuesday
January 24th Wednesday (MCC)
January 25th Thursday
January 26th Friday
This constitutes a three week mini-mester
Just doing this shows that leaning into something produces good results.

Thank you, Father GOD for your kindness and faithfulness toward me. Thank you, Jesus for walking with me. Thank you, Holy Spirit for leading me and guiding me. I declare this day blessed.


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