Sunday, January 14, 2018

Day 28

Day 84 or Day 28
It is 6:29am. It was very hard to gather myself up this morning. I got to bed late. So, the alarm went off at 5:15 but I did not get out the bed until 6:15. I am not beating myself up. However, I had to have to remind myself to get up and do what I said I was going to do. This has been going on for a couple of days now. I guess I have reached a leveling off point. But, that is not going to stop me from pushing through. Who is in charge?
I did not complete any creative projects yesterday. I can’t say I wasn’t inspired, because I can really sit down in front of this page and type away until something reveals itself. I just did not get anything done. Again, I am not going to beat myself up. I will just encourage me to do better. Today I will go to Kimberly’s to help out making trays and letters. This is creative work. I will also get some of her scraps that they burn and repurpose them into other crafty wood projects.
Took the dogs yesterday 2 miles. Went to see the movie COCO with Cindy. I was just a crying my eyes out near the end. It was so emotional. I give the film an A. Mary and I went to the banquet and it was nice. The best part was that it ended in 2 hours instead of the scheduled 3 hours. That was fantastic. Got information from Creative Waco Executive Director Fiona something or other about getting involved. This was a good thing, too. I have been praying for a lead, and I think this is an answer to that prayer. They are seeking out creative people of color in Waco purposefully. So, I think here we go… Got to get my energy back up. Perhaps a trip is going to be necessary that gets my juices flowing. Or else I am gonna have to take some amp it up classes or pills. I can do it. I can get back to a state of high energy and high productivity without all the bi-polar side effects. It is gonna be alright. I am not going to have an aneurism and fall out in need of hospitalization. I can do it and be alright in the process. Let us get a move on…
Step one- take a shower
Step 2- brush my teeth
Step 3- dry off
Step 4- deodorant and body spray, lotions, and potions
Step 5- get dressed
Step 6- gather purse and keys and water and get in the car and drive off
Step 7- Buckle up
Step 8- look both ways and every direction at all times
Step 9- do not drive and text
Step 10- Put parking break on
This is the exercise. Write down step to career goals. If I can’t handle these here steps, then the career is just out of the question. I am not even being funny here. I am a human that is able to follow steps. I can do most things in logical order without a thought or reflection. My mind has already worked it out. So, I just need to prescribe those desired outcomes and punch them into my brain. It is good at figuring stuff out. I am patting it on its head right now. Good brain! Gooodddddd Brain!!!”
OK- another shot at goals…
Goal 1- Develop a story outline you are passionate about (Like the colored version of the Sound of Music) You have wanted to do that for a long time now…
Goal 2- Write the damn thing
Goal 3- write the lyrics for the sound track and get a composer to assist with the music
Goal 4- do a call for script readers and have readings set up so you can see and hear if this script is working and what needs to be reworked, rewritten, or revised, or revisited or recycled.
Goal 5- this is really more like goal one, but find the best time of the night or early morning for you to work and hammer this out. I am thinking you need to start at about 3am or 4am with your writing. From this exercise of daily journaling, you have discovered that you can hammer out about 3-4 pages in 30 minutes. With 2 to 3 hours of writing, that is about 10 pages a day. This can be in rough draft in about 2 weeks at the latest.
Goal 6- set a deadline- before the end of March 2018… a rough draft should be finished.
Goal 7- visualized this story... brain storm the ideas. You have seen it before in your mind. Get it out of there.
Enough of that…

Thank you, Father for this day. Thank you for loving me in spite of myself. Thank you for being a God of many chances and being a God of mercy. I know that Jesus, you died for all of our sins. I know that the Holy Spirit is grieved when I do not listen and obey. I know I need to be under authority at all times and to trust and obey. Help me in my unbelief and help me to trust you more.
This is the day that the LORD has made. I shall rejoice and be glad in it. I am feeling a bit better and little more revived right this moment. I know I am a sinner saved by grace and a child of the MOST HIGH GOD. You are GOD along, but you love me and you love all your creations. Thank you. I exalt you, Father.


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