Monday, January 1, 2018

Day 2

Day 58- or day 2
Good morning It is 7:00am- Career goals. Praise the Lord. Today I want to write about visions and dreams because I am not even sure of what career means or even what career goals are meant to serve in purpose and fulfillment. Therefore, I need to think about those things that are within me that need to be brought out into the light and shared as gifts… my purum pa pump um if you will.
Goal number 1- identify those gifts that are just mine and the experiences those gifts bring about day to day. Such as my ability to remember faces and sometimes names if I really purpose to remember. But I am not sure if this is a gift or a talent. I think it is a gift that I have worked on and improved. I guess all gifts have to be worked on and improved on to be great gifts.
Goal number 2- finds ways to become more and more conscious of these gifts and how they work and how to utilize them to leverage outcomes and output. I need to monitor myself and take mental notes or at the end of the day, recount what happened and how the gift aided in the happening for the good of myself and others.
Goal number 3- identify talents that I have acquired over time and what types of activities I can use these talents for to bring about expansion in my life and health, wealth and blessings. The talent I am beginning to see may also be fairy dust of gifts. Small seeds that were gathered from without and planted as opposed to seeds that were brought forth from within that needed cultivation to bring forth from within.
Goal Number 4- find ways to become more conscious of and to identify these talents. Write them down and meditate on them. See how I can leverage these talents and build on them or share them with others or teach them to others.
Goal Number 5- make a 1 year and a 5 year plan that will plot out a course to have these gifts and talents begin to serve me financially, spiritually, and emotionally to lead a prosperous and fulfilled life that enhances and grows others in joy and laughter. This is going to have to be broken down into quarters or some sort of manageable size/time frame. Do not despise the days of small beginnings. It may have to be hour by hour to get going, but I will get going and work on sustainable systems that produce sustainable daily results.
Goal number 6- begin to outline a 10 year plan. That will land me at 59 years old. This needs to be as clear and bold as possible because it is the set up to the rest of the story. I really want to be acting in major motion pictures at 60 years old through the rest of my life. I will need to start to memorize things again to get the ball rolling. I want these parts to originate from people finding me and hiring me and calling me to their locations based on the proven work I have done. How in the hell am I going to get to this? I need vision. Without vision, the people perish. LORD give me vision to see even the tiniest of steps.
Goal number 7- plan to write a book about all this and help others plot a course to accomplish these same goals if they are so inclined. The book writing part should be very easy, because I will be doing this here typing stuff daily. 1000 page book is… on the way.
Goal number 8- open a creative arts studio like the one in south Dallas for kids like me. Make it fantastic and super clean and super aesthetically pleasing to the eye, ear, touch, and taste. This one here is the most fun one I want to accomplish. This is the cherry on top. I would love, love, love to see this come to pass.
Goal number 9- make it a world-renowned place to visit where we bring in kids from small cities and big towns and offer them a space to grow and incubate. It needs to sit on at least 5 acres of land. Perhaps it is the land that is in ASA or Hammond. Either will be a great landing spot for this endeavor. This is the giving back in a major way portion of the plan of action.
Mary asked me yesterday why did I get right on this in obedience. I told her to read the day one entry… when the wind is blowing, throw up your sails. This Torrey lady was not sent here for no apparent reason. She is sent of GOD to do GOD’s work. And I am believing that it is true that she has come for my good and is an instrument of the DIVINE power of the universe. I have been priming this pump for 50 plus days just by sitting down daily to write two crappy pages a day. There had to come a time when things had to pivot to the serious exercise of introspection and dreams. Why not now and why not under the Unction of a GOD group gathering. My ears are attentive and I have asked GOD to make my ears attentive. I heard this loud and clear.
I had to turn the cell phone off because I kept getting text messages back to back while I was trying to get this stuff written. I am supposed to write for 30 minutes. To hammer out the two pages all stream of consciousness, took about 20 minutes. This is going to have to get to 30 minutes by way of going back and filling in the goals with more weight. And here we go.
And now I have filled in a bit more to the goals and must end this entry- It is 7:34am.


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