Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Day 23

Day 79 or Day 23
5:39am and it is all good. Got up at 5:15 and took the dogs out. Came in to practice the piano. Now to get these pages in. Got until 6:10am to type. This 30-minute thing is a bugger boo, but I will keep my head down and punch these keys.
Yesterday I did get three projects done. I just posted two. Today I have nothing that has been simmering over night or bubbling up this morning. I find the easiest to knock out are the poems, but I like when a short children’s story shows up. They are fun to write and often short. I did the word count on the stories and the longest is about 1100 words. The shortest is 140 and the other two are 240 words. That ain’t bad.
I have about half the floor tile finished. I found that it is better to do it in sections. The cleaner needs to sit for five minutes and then the on the knees scrubbing can commence. I will spend part of this day throwing random stuff away again. It is the little foxes that destroy the vine.
Mary is making great head way. Our life group friend, Erica was over helping her yesterday evening get her office space cleared and set up. I am super proud and happy for her. She is moving forward and she said she is getting some momentum. She asked me, “How am I doing?” That is what I have asked her over the years since getting up off the mate after being knocked clean out in 2002. I told her that she was doing great. I think 2017 was the last year I asked her that question.
Finished reading How Money Works: The Facts Visually Explained and Getting Things Done 2015 version. I will go to the library today and return these and get other books to usher this story forward. Perhaps Show Your Work is ready. That will be a start. I am going to need to really think about the other book topics before heading out. It is time to sharpen some focus.
Goal 1- Think outside the box… I do not fully grasp what this means, but OK. I will meditate on it today and chew the cud. I like the think part of it, though.
Goal 2- Meditate on the purpose of seeds, and do not despise the day of small beginnings. I often find myself around big picture folks or trapped in my big picture thinking when I need to remember the small things. The devil is in the details. Small things bring about big things or at best, bigger things. Life is in the small things. Think small and grow large.
Goal 3- Find solace in small steps. Often, I let my mind take me to the land of overwhelming. The only place I need to be is right here in this moment and working on what is in front of me. There are no giants before me. There is only love and hope and faith.
Goal 4- "Begin" is a good start. I used to have a sign in my office when I taught that read: Once begun, half done. And it is a good reminder about just getting going. Trust and move.
Goal 5- Begin again… did you forget to get going after you began… begin again… I feel like a robot from time to time in need of having my large winding key turned to reset or reboot because I just drift to the land of numb. I am tired of ending up in the land of numb. This might be a story in the making… hold on…
Goal 6- Kill your loved ones. This is a philosophy I picked up at the Iowa Workshop from a Teaching Assistant in the Program and used while teaching RTVF. There might be some scene or shot or a line in a script that you are in love with. It just does not work or fit in the flow of what needs to happen. You try to get it in the suitcase or the film, but it is just clunking and funky. You must kill it. I shot a little video of the foliage outside my house and had a shot of a tree, a close up of my fence rail and a shot of my porch swing. I liked these shots. I placed them on the timeline. I found they did not work for the piece. I deleted them from the timeline. This is how I must proceed with all the choices before me. The only thing that is different is that I was working on a project that I wanted to work on in that moment. The projects I need to work on that matter financially, I am avoiding like the plague. I must take this same approach with my life and its direction. Mary asked if I was anxious. I told her from time to time I am worried, and I recited the scripture about being anxious for nothing. I am more frustrated that nothing has come to me yet, but that is fine. God has a perfection that I cannot touch. Do your thing, Father GOD!
Goal 7- Be inventive… if that is all I am asked to do this day… Cool beans and like Sophia in the Color Purple said, “Fine with me.”
Goal 8- Imagine your next vacation overseas… I see it not that far overseas… I want the blue waters of the Caribbean.
Goal 9- Sweep your porch… nuf said!
Goal 10- Do not contain your attitude of gratitude… if this is a today goal… bring it!
These seem like interesting goals for today. They may not be the short and long-term goals that are what I would think of as leading me to employment, but they are what they are and they can be transformative in their own right. Well, hello little goals that have popped up for today.
This is the day that the LORD has made. I shall rejoice and be glad in it. Be anxious for nothing, but in all things, make your request know unto the LORD with prayer and supplication and thanksgiving, and the peace of God will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Those who wait on the LORD will mount up as eagles. I am about to soar.
Yeah! Now off to get these two miles in... Took the dogs for two miles yesterday afternoon when the winds had died down and it was much warmer.
Holy Spirit dwell deeper in me this day. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Father God. Praise and Bless your Holy Name!


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