Friday, January 12, 2018

Day 26

Day 82 or Day 26
5:46am… Affirmations, bible reading, piano playing and now journaling. I will get two miles in this afternoon. The wind chill this morning is 18 degrees and I am not doing it. At some point wisdom is better than the flu. Another day down. I only have 4 more days to write goals, and I will be done with that or with this… Who knows what after that will be the goal. That is intended to be a very bad pun.
I did get three creative projects done yesterday. I just didn’t post them all to the blog. I am ok with that. I do place them in a folder on the desktop. This helps me to keep them organized by the real date. I made a clock out of artwork. I placed a frame around it and purchased a clock kit and worked it into the piece and it turned out pretty neat looking. It is Chinese characters that spell my name. I took a picture of it and then return the clock kit because I couldn’t get the hour hand to set in place. I will go to Michaels and get a different kit or Joann’s.
After this week, there will be a scaling back on the number of projects and a focus on the quality of the projects. Also, I need to go back and do a lot of editing of this writing. Of course, the journal entries, such as this is, I do not edit because it is a morning brain dump… it is in line with the Morning Pages that are a part of the ARTIST’S WAY book.
Great is thy faithfulness toward me, Father. Your loving kindness toward me is awesome. Great is your love. Great is your mercy toward me. I acknowledge YOU in all things. Thank you for your great provisions and divine love.
Chores are moving along. I am at the back entry way. I moved the coat rack and took out the shoe rack. I want to take out those shelves and rotate the washer and dryer so the space is a bit more open. That is going to take some figuring out, demolition, and cash flow.
Step 1- for today is keep clearing the clutter. It is a good day to focus on this because it is so cold. One room at a time and I will be fine.
Step 2- action items only please… step two is to think up some action items.
Step 3- hold on
Step 4- embrace what the LORD brings into your life this day and seek wisdom and guidance.
I think that is enough of these steps and goals for this day. I do not think I was supposed to have to write 10 a day, just write down goals or steps. It was my thing to do ten. And it is my thing to stop requiring myself to have ten. Ten is a lot in the grand scheme of things. That would equal to 300 goals or steps in 30 days, and that for me would be a bit overwhelming. Except for the fact that there are a lot of repeats… that makes the number go down a bit. As soon as this is over, I will read through these things and collect the data to review. With all this manure, there must be a pony.
Bring on the drivel now… I am at the bottom of the barrel with things to write about. Carmen sent me a text stating that my former boss wished I were back at work so that he did not have to deal with all that went on in my department. I can imagine… it was a lot to keep up with and it is good that he can see it firsthand even if he does not understand the position deeply.
She also encouraged me to consider purchasing one of the vendor’s businesses. This is a possibility, but I do not believe this vendor would ever sell her business, let alone to me. But stranger things have happened. Also, yesterday, the program director for Upward Bound, my new boss, emailed me to see if I was interested in a position that was full time. It is the academic specialist position. It would be a raise of 10k from the last position. But I have expressed to GOD that I do not want to work for any company, but to have my own company, so I have to not be doubled minded and be very prayerful with this decision. Already I do not have a great affinity for the tutoring portion after meeting Wednesday with the staff, parents and students. High Schoolers are really not my thing. Mary is so much better with them. Not trying to compare myself to my sister, just knowing she loves kids and loves being around them. People under 17 drain the heck out of me. So, I must stay focused and not chase the money, but wait on the LORD. He is my GOD not money. I can only serve one or the other. So, I choose GOD my father. He will reveal what I should do.
Thank you that I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. Thank you, Holy Spirit for your leading and guiding into all truths. Thank you, Father God for your grace.


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