Monday, January 1, 2018

Day 15

Day 71 or Day 15
It is 5:26am- I got up this new years day at 5:04am though the alarm was set at 5:00am. I have done good. I practiced the piano and let the dogs out. Yesterday I ran and took the dogs with me. We ended the year right. The weather has dropped 20 degrees from yesterday morning. It is not severely bad, but it is noticeable. I read and rested mostly yesterday until I went to Mary’s at 8:30pm or so to bring in the new year. And, I did just that over there, heading back home at about 12:08am. It was a nice time. We played games and had a little dinner. We had our greens and black eyes peas and cornbread. Tim Willis called as I was transitioning to bed time. So, really I have had about a little over four hours of sleep. But the mantra is in my head now… early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
The half way point of goals and steps is here. It is day 15. This is a good day to start the year off and it is a Monday.
Goal 1- decide what one thing I need to do to figure out what to do about a career choice. Tomorrow I would be going back to work at HDC. I am so glad I am not.
Goal 2- recognize when God has given me a new chance and get excited about it. Get in a good state with high energy.
Goal 3- be uncomfortable if it is to your benefit. If there were a little spot on a lifeboat that required you to hang on or fall over board, you would be uncomfortable, but you would also be hanging in the boat and not in the water. Do the uncomfortable and be confident. Last night I saw confidence and boldness from Fred, and lack of confidence from Shonte and a bit more but still lack thereof from Mercedes. The most confident persons in the room were Malcolm and Brenda. I think this year is a year of observations. We shall see.
Goal 4- don’t be backwards about being forward. Ask forward. Be bold. Learn from last night. The sermon at church was about everything I wrote about yesterday regarding time. I have 168 hours  in a week, so how am I spending my time and am I spending it wisely? Be like the wise not like the unwise.
Goal 5- Make a commitment and follow through. Take the test on abuse and signs of abuse. Even when everything in the pit of my stomach is rising to send me to the bed to roll over and do nothing, I have to fight against this urge. It will not will. I do not have to feel like it to get it done. I just have to get it done.
Goal 6- create actionable items to execute. Step by step and inch by inch and done things will be in a cinch.
Goal 7- plan a vacation to a beautiful place and get inspired. Even if it is just one port of call.
Goal 8- let the words of my mouth this year be words of goodness and kindness only… no gossip or speculation or negativity.
Goal 9- remember if I have nothing good to say, say nothing.
Goal 10- I must radically restructure what comes out of my mouth. Only blessings for me and blessings for others.
Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Thank you, father God for all of your kindnesses you have shown towards me.
Thank you, Jesus for walking with me. Thank you, Holy Spirit for leading and guiding me into all truths.
I have set my alarm on the cell phone to go off every two hours or so. This is to give me the space and time to pray to GOD and to hear from GOD. I wanted to get this down as a part of my daily routine knowing that I need to pray more to the Father.
I actually like it. It was just the 3:10 alarm, but now it is the 8am, 10am, 12 noon, 5pm, 7pm and 10pm as well. It got expanded yesterday.
I think it is time to print out the first 15 days and see what is up with the goals. I also have 9 more minutes that I need to type for. I met that lady 16 days ago and have not seen her since. I guess after the 30 days, I will let her know that I finished the task and ran the race of daily writing down my career goals. Today begins the three creative works a day commitment. I wonder what type of structure I am going to come up with for this. The easy stuff is the music, I think, but I could be wrong. We shall see.
This is the day that the LORD has made. I shall rejoice and be glad in it. I did record a bass line on the cell the other evening. Perhaps that should be explored. Thank you, LORD for the opportunity to serve your creative team.
This is the day I am calling blessed. There is nothing I cannot do without GOD. I can do nothing apart from GOD. GOD come down and aid and assist me this day. I thank you in advance.

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